Special offers

Offers are unlimited in duration and discounts are not cumulative.

Special offers

Offers are unlimited in duration and discounts are not cumulative.

Dovanų kuponas

Nežinote, ką padovanoti savo draugui ar artimajam? Ieškote dovanos, kupinos rūpesčio bei kuri nustebintų Jums brangiausius žmones? Padovanokite Elidentos Dovanų kuponą.
Dovanų kupone galite nurodyti konkrečią procedūrą arba pinigų sumą
Kupono galiojimo laikas 6 mėnesiai
On the occasion of the opening of the clinic at 39 Verkių St.

Restoration of the entire jaw on 4 implants

The best price in Lithuania for those who dream of a flawless smile!
4500€ *
* Price with TLK reimbursement 670€
consultation with an implantologist
panoramic photo
4 implants
temporary prosthesis

Tooth implantation with MegaGen

Best price in Lithuania!

1350€ *
per month
Financed by Inbank, no mark-up if paid within 10 months.
MegaGen Anyridge
Zirconium crown
Doctor's consultation

30% discount for teeth whitening with Philips Zoom system

Free oral care consultation!

20% discount on oral hygiene

Free oral care consultation!