Beata Miceikienė
Beata is not only the founder of the Elidenta dental clinic, but also a professional dentist with extensive experience. In the clinic, she takes care of therapeutic treatment of patients, aesthetic restorations and prosthetics. Our clinics offer a full range of dental services in one place, we work with the most modern equipment and our sincere work invites patients to see the dentist's chair with a smile and not with their fear.
Licence No OPL-01516
Treatments performed
About Beata
Upgrading your qualifications
4-6 March 2024. "Rational Prescribing and Use of Antimicrobial Drugs", Vilnius
18-19 November 2023. "Glass Ceramic Laminates Step by Step", lecturer Dr. Piotr Wesoly, Warsaw, Poland
27-28 October 2023 "Baltic Dental Days 2023: New orthodontic opportunities in dentistry", Vilnius
24 March 2023 "Cofferdam Isolation: an advanced course on cofferdam isolation of anterior and posterior teeth and practical work on phantoms". Lect. Agnė Mališauskienė, Mindaugas Kudelis, Vilnius
25-29 April 2022 "Specifics of radiological work in dentistry, work with dental, panoramic X-ray and cone-beam computed tomography machines", Kaunas
11 June 2021 "Restoring dental aesthetics. Microprosthetics with glass ceramic veneers", Lect. Žygintas Jonaitis, Kaunas
4-5 June 2021. "MASTER course - Aesthetic restorations for anterior teeth: form, function, technique and planning", Lect. S. Radlinsky, Vilnius
28-29 May 2021 "Dental Compass 2021", Druskininkai
24 April 2021 "News in Dental Science and Practice", Kaunas
27 February 2021 "Current issues in dentistry", Šiauliai
1 February 2020 "Vilnius Territorial Division Conference"
24-25 May 2019 "Dental Compass 2019", Druskininkai
22-24 September 2017 "Baltic Sea Region Dental Days", Vilnius
11 September 2015 "Science for dental practice"
28-29 November 2014 "Endobaltic 2014
18 October 2014. "Implant Prosthetics from A to Z", Vilnius
6 September 2014 "Innovations in Dental Implants 2014", Kaunas
26 January 2013 "Dental implant prosthetics with fixed and removable prostheses", lect. Vygantas Rutkūnas, Vilnius
16 November 2012 "Mechanical and chemical preparation of canals"
10-11 September 2010 "New advances in dental implantology", Kaunas
19 June 2009 "Chemomechanical preparation of root canals using machine and hand instruments", Lect. Kastytis Bušauskas,
13-15 March 2009 "The Science, Art and Practice of Direct Aesthetic Restorations", lect. I Ivanciūtė
13-14 December 2007 "Metal-free ceramics", lect. Doc. J. Jonaitis, dental technician R. Bagdonas, Kaunas
24 October 2007 " Direct aesthetic restorations of anterior teeth. Contact point shaping. Restorations of worn teeth." Lect. Sergey Radlinsky (Ukraine)