
The aim of root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment, is to remove inflammation or infection from the soft tissue inside the tooth - the pulp. The pulp is made up of nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue located in the root canals of the tooth. During the treatment process, these canals are completely cleaned, disinfected and filled to prevent further infection and to preserve the tooth.


Anaesthesia10 EUR
Emergency endodontic care (eugenol bandage + temporary filling)Nuo 70 EUR
Root canal cleaning (1 canal; primary endodontics)70-85 EUR
Root canal re-treatment cleaning (1 canal)80-90 EUR
Root canal filling (1 canal)70 EUR
Standard threaded post removal70 EUR
Fiberglass post removal75 EUR
Cast post and core removal75-90 EUR
Removal of the instrument fracture from the root canal75-90 EUR
Canal or perforation filling with Biodentin, if indicated85 EUR
Diagnostic tooth examination with microscope (endo revision)70 EUR
Administration of medicated calcium hydroxide paste into 1 canal30 EUR
Dental X-ray10 EUR
Emergency endodontic care after dental trauma (tooth restoration with splinting)75 EUR
Pulpotomy (coverage with Biodentine)90-100 EUR
Regenerative endodontic treatment (for children with undeveloped tooth roots if indicated)110 – 150 EUR