Dentures restore lost teeth or rows of teeth, restore full chewing function and improve the aesthetic appearance of the teeth. Dentures are recommended after endodontic treatment, to restore chipped, worn down or aesthetically lost teeth. Prosthodontics can be carried out in a variety of ways: fixed prostheses (crowns or bridges, which can be made of metal ceramics, metal-free ceramics, zirconia), removable prostheses (full or partial plates, thermoplastic plates, arch-supported prostheses), microprosthetic prostheses (inlays, overlays, veneers).
Dental veneers
Dental veneers - Very thin, customisable ceramic plates bonded to the front surface of natural teeth. These aesthetic plates are designed to improve the appearance of the teeth, hide aesthetic defects and give the smile the desired aesthetic effect. The veneers are used to solve various aesthetic problems, such as colour, shape and diastemas, to repair chipped or damaged teeth.

Cast post and core | 90 EUR |
Glass fibre pin | from 90 EUR |
The crown of things | 150 EUR |
Metal ceramic crown | 240 EUR |
Zirconium oxide crown | 380 EUR |
Zirconium oxide crown for anterior tooth | nuo 400-450 EUR |
Glass ceramic crown (Emax) | 450 EUR |
Metal-free ceramic veneer | 450 EUR |
Metal-free ceramic onlay | 400 EUR |
Temporary crown made in the clinic | 30 EUR |
Temporary crown made in the laboratory | 60 EUR |
Moulded crown | 90 EUR |
Full plate (hard) | 350 EUR |
Thermoplastic denture | 450 EUR |
Arch support prosthesis (bugle) | from 800 EUR |
Cosmetic plate | from 100 EUR |
Metal ceramic crown on an implant | 400 EUR |
Zirconium oxide crown on an implant | nuo 500-700 EUR |
Temporary crown on an implant | 150 EUR |
Titanium bar with garniture teeth on 4 implants | 2000 EUR |
Metal-ceramic bar on 4 implants | 3200 EUR |
Titanium bar with zirconia teeth on 4 implants | nuo 4200 EUR |
Whitening tray | 50 EUR |
Myorelaxation mouth guard | 90 EUR |
Removing the crown | 10-20 EUR |
Crown cementation | 20 EUR |
Individual spoon | 15 EUR |
Diagnostic model | 15 EUR |
Tooth wax-up | 15 EUR |
Alginate impression | 10 EUR |
Silicone impression | 40 EUR |